Only 1623 Days And This Puppy is Mine
Today Mazda released some photos of the new 2007 Retractable Hard Top MX-5. It is power operated and adds about 80 lbs to the car. The big thing is it does not encroach on any of the existing trunk space. Now we know why the trunk is shaped the way it is.
Everyone questioned why they make the lid so short, why was it reshaped to be slightly bigger, but less usably shaped. When I look back at the new car’s introduction photos they showed a bare frame and it seemed like there was a lot of empty space below the storage area for the folded soft top. They added some behind the seat storage area plastic cubby holes in there, even put covers on them in the higher trim levels. Obviously they were thinking of this folding hard top contraption from the very begining.
They must not be so proud of the direct side view with the top up because of the angle this shot was taken from. There is another image that shows the top mid-change directly from the side and the hard boot cover has some funky looking bulges in it…
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 213