There is an SUV commercial that I see quite often during the viewing of the Tour de France. It shows someone driving a SAAB 9-7x around town, filmed from the drivers point of view, and all they see is people doing SUV things, like shopping, buying gas, washing it, buying gas, putting a dog in the back, buying gas, etc. The gimmick is, all the SUVs are invisible. Finally as we cut to the outside view, the announcer intones (might not be the exact wording,) “Far from the ordinary,” just as we are getting a glimpse of the most ordinary looking vehicle on the planet. This thing makes the Ford Explorer look like it was designed by Pininfarina.
The only car commercial possibly more oxymoronic than that, sorry DJ, is the one from several year’s back for the Toyota Camry where they play Right Said Fred’s song “I’m Too Sexy” in the background…
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 215
I almost missed that Camry comment! I agree 100% with you. I didn’t get the connection of the song choice to the Camry. I never thought of a Camry as “Too sexy” for anything. Of course I don’t think there has been a really funny commerical since Alka Seltzers “I can’t Believe I ate the Whole Thing” And “That’s a Speecie, Spicey Meat ball …Take 111” What happened to the “good” commercials. I think your next blog should be devoted to commercials.
I have a love/hate relationship with commercials. Current favorites are the ones for Starbucks DoubleShot espresso drinks. The first one is classic, the power rock group Survivor, singing Glen!Glen!Glen! to the tune of their hit Eye of the Tiger. The new Hank one is nearly as good.