…a subscription to People Magazine. Caught a blurb about this while channel surfing the other day and in this morning’s paper there was a small article about it too. Brittany Murphy will be the new Jordache jeans girl. It was said and written with almost breathless excitement, so I know that Brittney Murphy is a famous person, I just don’t know what she is famous for. Singer? Actress? Reality TV Show Star?
I feel so left out.
It must be painful to be so very old and out of touch. (I think she is an actress). I didn’t realize Jordache was still in business. I guess I need to be looking at more butts.
I think she is the voice of the daughter on a show(cartoon) called KING OF THE HILL. She has done a few of those “teen flicks”. Not exactly a great actor.In the same league as those starving Olson twins. I can’t keep with this stuff any more.Hollywood dispenses actors like Pez candy.
Coincidentally, this weekend, while channel surfing, I stumbled on a promo for a movie starring Brittany Murphy. I didn’t catch much of it, because I only looked up when the name was mentioned, but it is for a movie that has been out for a short while because it was for a pay-per-view thing.