Even though I tried to be obtuse enough in Sunday’s post – there was big doings elsewhere that I can’t talk about for fear of jinxing it (hint: American League East.) – the baseball gods saw right through me. The FRS lost last night and the damn Yankees won…
That is what I get for blogging early. Late last night a trip to the grocery store was required and because of the rainy weather in the area that meant down to the store up while inside and down for the ride home. The ride home was slightly damp too because it started sprinkling half way back, but not hard enough to scare us.
Started up, went down, back up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 199
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 199
I have TRUELY enjoyed reading your entries. You write with great humor and witt. Your wording and phrasing are very clever! You must be close to my age as I haven’t found too much intelligent life in this generation! (Except for my 22 yr old son Patrick) but this is only because I told him not to listen to ANYTHING he was taught in school and listen to his mother! He,his father and I love Monty Pyton ANYTHING, The Beatles (best group EVER) Keep writting.This is my new form of entertainment til the West Wing returns in the fall!
You are making me blush…but don’t stop. 🙂