I have been getting my daily status report at work about how many spams Postini has stopped and we have crept up to over the 100 mark and pretty much stayed there since early April. I haven’t said much about the spam recently, mainly because it is literally the same old shit, but apparently I was wrong.
One new way the spammers have to grab your attention is to mix a random city with a random newspaper name, i.e. Woodbine Enquirer or Las Vegas Tribune to lend some authority to their junk. I need to get something like that spam title generator for the title of my blog, might give it some internet cred.
And it seems backgammon is the new poker, as I got a half dozen invites to $10,000 tournaments today alone but none mentioning Texas Hold ‘Em. I wonder who Bravo will get to host Celebrity Backgammon?
Here is my favorite email from over the weekend: bnyykpe@doramail.com is offering Wndows Millenium $50. Who would possibly be tempted to buy a 6 year old operating system and arguably the worst version of Windows since version 2.0? For fifty bucks? Don’t they know how much C$ALIS I can get for that much money?
I’m seeing somehting similar to the Me offer. I’m getting sp*m inviting me to buy Micro$oft W*rks.
Works was basically a giveaway, what are they asking?