I didn’t put anymore than the 6 coats I did yesterday on the mirror. When I got up this morning I was tempted to paint it silver and start again, but didn’t. When I held it up to the car in the garage it was definitely Garnet Red, just kind of pebbly and matte and uneven. I decided I should spray some clear coat over the top and see if that helped. Of course I had to run to Autozone and spend another $4.43 on a can of paint. After 4 light coats of clear it cured the matte and unevenness. The texture, I knew, was there to stay.
Re-installed the mirror and looking at it in the garage you can’t even tell. The color is so dark and the angle of the windshield make it look as if nothing was done. Even outside in the daylight, if you didn’t know it was painted, you would never know. Perhaps on a bright day and with the sun at the right angle….I do like subtle mods, but this one is perhaps a little too understated.
I’m not sorry I did it, but this mod would probably be much more noticable on a lighter colored car like, white or silver. Should look real good on the primary colors too, classic red, mariner blue, or a 10AE. Of course if your Miata is black, this mod is already done for you at the factory. đŸ˜€
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 80
Can we see a picture with really good lighting?
Your wish is my command…