Like the Cold War before it, the Spam War is a place in which the top minds in the field are battling for world domination while we, the little people, watch in horror and disgust.
We use a spam killer service here at work, called Postini, and it does a very good job of separating the wheat from the chaff. A few slip by, sometimes I can’t see how, but this morning one made it to my in basket and I just had to smile at the ingenuity of it:
This is what the V in Valium is composed of:
A bunch of letters and spaces using the <pre> tag and a small font size, ASCII Art if you will. I might have bought some of those medz if they had enough style to use all Vs to make the letter V and As to make the A and so on…
Impressive. Their Spam-Fu is strong.
Yet, less than a half an hour later, one that should have easily recognized as spam, a missive about penny stocks, got delivered. It was sent to seven names in alphabetical order, six of which do not exist in our system…