Spring better show up here soon or heads are going to roll. 😡 Today was another day where the high temperature did not even get above the average low for this time of year. We are supposed to be at the 70 degree mark for crying out loud.
Smilies. I’ve got them and you don’t. They work on the main page, but I couldn’t get the things to work on the individual post pages. So you see them here, but on any other page you will get the plain ol’ ASCII verson. I couldn’t get them to work on the comment form either and they were supposed to have clickable entry too. I think it is because I use the dynamic publishing feature of MT. 🙁
Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 60
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 60
I’m still waiting for unseasonably warm. We may hit 50 degrees today.
Yee Ha!
Today we have the afternoon of, so if the sun is out and it is above 50 the top is going down and we are taking a little drive. And at least we are supposed to have a near normal weekend. The Bradford Pears are blooming and the dogwoods have buds, so spring is here, it just doesn’t feel like it just yet.