This evening after work Donna and I had our yearly eye exams. Part of the comprehensive exam is to have some drops put in your eyes to dilate your pupils. After they get them cranked wide open the doctor comes in and shines a 10,000,000 candle power light in both eyes several times from several different angles. Not the funest thing in the world and while not physically painful it is mentally.
New this time is a camera that takes a snapshot of the inside of your eye. It is a Cannon 10D on the back of some machine that of course flashes another very bright light into your wide open eyeball. You can then check out what the doctor sees when he looks in there. Cool. They will take a picture every year and then the computer can compare the images and spot stuff so small that the doctor might miss.
It has been 3 hours since I got the drops and my pupils still look like saucers. And boy does that make the PC monitor bright.
Not to forget that dilated pupils make your vision all blurry so while you’re sitting bored at the office you can’t read the crappy magazines. It’s like a wide aperture on a camera with a very shallow depth of field that you have no control over. Plus it makes you look like your whacked out on drugs!
This year was better than last year as our appointments were earlier in the day. Last year I had to drive the 3 miles home with all those car and street lights star bursting at me. So not only did I look like I was whacked out on drugs I also saw like I was. Good thing a cop didn’t decide to pull me over…”No officer I’m not stoned, I just came from the optomitrist.” I bet he wouldn’t believe that.