Barndoor Fan Club Guestbook Archive
The Original 82 Geocities Entries

Name : Brian
Email :
Comments : This is the coolest website I have ever seen!

Name : Effervescent
Email :
Comments : And the staff is SO sexy!

Name : Eric "Miataflier" Derr
Email :
Comments : Long live the Doors!

Name : keywe
Email :
Comments : ... Pop me up before you go go ... Ack! Get it out!

Name : njmiata [Will]
Email :
Comments : Eff, Congratulations on your new "baby'. Cool site!! I would like a couple of the items, of course they are the ones which are not yet available [my luck as usual]. But I'll keep checking back. BEST OF LUCK njmiata

Email :
Comments : First time checking it out.

Name : dogsbone
Email :
Comments : Better than a parachute...When it comes to helping out at a quick changing red light...nothing works better than those barn doors to help you slow a hurry!

Name : Dillon
Email :
Comments : Barndoors are pretty cool, although not as cool as a wild weekend in Las Vegas with Claudia Schiffer... but still, pretty cool.

Name : matt
Email :
Comments :

Name : Justin
Email :
Comments : Barndoors on my Miata, barndoors on my Saturn... Everyone should have barndoors. :)

Name : MrCool
Email :
Comments : Sign me up. :)

Name : ed
Email :
Comments : funny site, all about "barndoors" LOL....i luv my 94....:o) good luck

Name : David
Email :
Comments : Ya Gotta Love It!!

Name : Steve Jacobson
Email :
Comments : Great idea, great look, great site!

Name : Peter
Email :
Comments : My first thought was, "I'll stick it to the back window." But then I realized. I like the top down more than the lights up. I hope I can get the sticker made small enough at the sign shop to put into the quarter windows in the front.

Name : Crashton aka: Chuck
Email :
Comments : Thanks for starting this club. Wish I had a barn to park my Barndoors in.

Name : Craig Berthold
Email :
Comments : After owning old RX-7's and now a MX5 barndoors just seem natural now! :)

Name : stuart povick
Email :
Comments : sounds good to me...the new miatas look like any other not a baby red 95-R is a keeper. Im very interested in stickers and t-shirts. stu

Name : stuart povick
Email :
Comments : sounds good to me...the new miatas look like any other not a baby red 95-R is a keeper. Im very interested in stickers and t-shirts. stu

Name : Chris Hill
Email :
Comments : Proud owner of a barndoored 1992 black and tan with regular sized headlights. If your gonna own a barndoor, why make them squint with those european lights.

Name : Don
Email :
Comments : Airbrakes!

Name : Diane V.
Email :
Comments : I hope that in future years the miata will have barn doors again! We have a '94 RX-7 and I love her barn doors! Very Sexy!! ;O)

Name : m@`
Email :
Comments : Barndoors yes, locking threads no! :) m@

Name : Dale Lambert
Email :
Comments : Don't like cars with faces like ALL the new cars are doing. Be origional, Hide the lights :)

Name : LeGreatOne
Email :
Comments : What? This ISN'T a Restaurant? Don't they have chicken here? Ooh! There's a cow!

Name : Dave and Miatank
Email :
Comments : A Miata without barndoors is not a true Miata. M1 or something else!

Name : Dave Thomas
Email :
Comments : Pop those barndoors and fly into the night!

Name : Jean Roy - President - Club Miata De la Monteregie
Email :
Comments : Very interesting and a lot of fun. It's about time we show our pride of having a "barndoor" Miata. Mine is a red '93. Keep up the good work.

Name : Jody Cagle
Email :
Comments : I love the barndoors and that is what encouraged me to purchase a 97 verses a 99 for my second miata, however i feel that such a club will cause strife among miata owners and will eventually make the 99+ owners mad at us and form two factions among us. bu

Name : Martin
Email :
Comments : Barndoors rule!

Name : John Ceragioli
Email :
Comments : Barndoors are the only way to go. We don't need no stinking aerodynamic headlights!

Name : Terry Beavan
Email :
Comments : REAL MIATAS HAVE POPUP HEADLIGHTS!!! :D Love this site. One big reason I chose my '97 M Edition over a newer Miata is it was the last of the "barndoor" ones!

Name : Bernie
Email :
Comments : Fight the good fight, Eff! Thanks for your efforts, and it will be real fun to see where this site goes. It's in my fave's already!

Name : Tom Small
Email :
Comments : Great site Look forward to seeing more and participating.

Name : Joyce aka Eff'sMom
Email :
Comments : I love my old RX 7 barndoors but prefer zmzmzooming around in my son Eff's Miata! Barndoors R Us!

Name : Rogue
Email :
Comments : 1974 Porsche 914 2.0 and 1.8(have Barndoors too) 1991 BRG-SE #2673 and 1993 LE #737

Name : Paul Meyers
Email :
Comments : Love my 90 Crysal White baby with the barn doors that match my ears.

Name : Frank Ferreira
Email :
Comments : One more barn door fan

Name : California Red
Email :
Comments : I ran the barndoors for 7 years with my Mariner Blue '91!!! Sorry, but Red can't do the flip-up Hello!!

Name : Divine Wind
Email :
Comments : Last of the great era. Proud '97 owner. My motto: "If they open their door into mine, shoot 'em!"

Name : Eric Miller
Email :
Comments : Keep the bug eyes alive!

Name : Tod "BrokenCrank" Drake
Email :
Comments : Very Cool! Count me in when T-shirts and the small decals are ready!

Name : Tim Baggett
Email :
Comments : Great Idea. Everyone should have this much time on their hands. Keep up the good work. Yours with the doors wide open, Rugger

Name : Patty & Bob Eckels
Email :
Comments : We belong to the PACE Miata Club---want me to forward your link to other members?? Check us out: Patty, membership chairperson

Name : Bob Dail
Email :
Comments : Lookin good....'90 Red, Central Virginia Miata

Name : M.R.Owens
Email :
Comments : Love the Barn Doors. I think they are a neat feature. Cathy (my red 91 Miata)would not seem the same without her winking eyes.

Name : ron frazak
Email :
Comments : great to have the doors on my 95m couldnt live with out them!! got hellas and piaas in em now!

Name : Manuel De Brito
Email :
Comments : Well done!!! I may not have barn doors on mine but I definitely have an appreciation for them. My last car ('88 Honda Accord) had them and I loved them!!! Best wishes to the group!! See you on the NYC run! Manuel

Name : shawn lackey (ncc1701)
Email :
Comments : space... the final frontier, these are the voyages of the barndoor_prize. ll&p

Name : Donald H.Wood III
Email :
Comments : Great idea,when and where is the national meet going to happen

Name :   J. Harlo Smith
Email :
Comments :   

Name :   Bill Kille
Email :
Comments :   Please let me know when the 2" vent window stickers become availiable.

Name :   Larry Fair
Email :
Comments :   

Name :   Mark Jones
Email :
Comments :   I love my barndoors! My wife can't see over them so I always get to drive at night!!!

Name :   Max Hong
Email :
Comments :   When are the T shirts coming out?

Name :   Wayne Reynolds
Email :,
Comments :   

Name :   Gary Todd
Email :
Comments :   Comment from a Buick driver: Wow, your car has big headlights

Name :   Gary Lightfoot
Email :   GLIGHT!
Comments :   The barndoors are a significant part of the charm of the Miata that was lost with the M2.

Name :   Barbara Beach
Email :
Comments :   My "barndoors" are more like "sights" as I am short and sit low. The headlights are perfect "sights" for me to aim at otm's! :) BB

Name :   Carrie Stakem
Email :
Comments :   I love them so much I have 2 barndoor cars!

Name :   Jess Dunham
Email :
Comments :   Great site. I'll get some pics and send them along

Name :   ron sr
Email :
Comments :   great!! we have come a long way in a month!! :cool:

Name :   Colin Partington
Email :
Comments :   Moonlight...Starlight... MX5 light... 90/130's rule

Name :   Chris Hill
Email :
Comments :   1992 Black/Tan...original black with the only kind of lights that were meant for a Miata...BARNDOORS!!

Name :   Stephen Gibson
Email :
Comments :   I have a 92' sunburst yellow, christened Julliet

Name :   mark voorhees
Email :
Comments :   

Name :   Diane Stricker
Email :
Comments :   I don't own a barndoor, but I do own a Mazda. Just signing in because my brother started this web sight and I think it and he are cool.

Name :   Harald
Email :
Comments :   love to push my little car's barndoors through the airstream on the autobahn

Name :   Jess Dunham
Email :
Comments :   My red 90 is the one with the smiley faces on the headlights. But alas, I have sold it, but not to worry, a green 99 takes its place.

Name :   anita wylds
Email :
Comments :   you've outdone yourself this time!!! This is great

Name :   Jack Milburn
Email :
Comments :   Great shots

Name :   liam
Email :
Comments :   Enjoyed your site. Barndoors on Miatas are synonymous with innocent, carefree and joyful attitude of a child's first bicycle ride or getting on a most exciting rollercoaster ride; those wide-eyed gaze always bring smile to my face. liam

Name :   Tom Small
Email :
Comments :   Brian, thanks for the site. Your efforts are appreciated.

Name :   Boilerman
Email :
Comments :   Hi guys hows everything goin?

Name :   David Armstrong
Email :
Comments :   Well i think them barn door miata or the best looking ones i have 2 of them,a 92 & 94

Name :   Rodney
Email :
Comments :   Ahhh Yes, Finally a place where folks like me can bask in the greatness of barn doors!

Name :   Ramo
Email :
Comments :   Kickass!

Name :   Barnie Door
Email :
Comments :   Finally a website where I can be myself! How illuminating! -Barnie Door

Name :   Peter Hoffman
Email :
Comments :   Love my barndoors, reminds me of my first car, a '59 Mk1 bugeye sprite.

Name :   Stan
Email :
Comments :   Works fine, looks great, Brian....

Name :   Hank Barta
Email :
Comments :   My barn doors are on a Classic Red '95.

Name :   Sgt Slammer
Email :
Comments :   I like mine naked