Weather Takes A Holiday
When we checked the 10 day weather this afternoon our eyes were immediately drawn to the Wednesday forecast. A high of 47°, a low of 28°! A 60% chance of rain. And underneath the rain cloud there is a little snowflake! Geez, that’s serious February winter weather in November.
After we overcame the shock of that we noticed something curious, there was no Monday weather. No just no weather, but no Monday at all. I guess the weather gets to take a holiday for Veterans Day.
Monday was still gone a couple hours later, so I got curious. I cleared the weather history, deleted any weather related cookies and restarted the browser. Still no Monday. I blew the dust off the shortcut and fired up Internet Explorer. There was Monday. I then compared the web addresses between the two browsers. The missing Monday URL had a b. between www. and A little research yielded the answer, the b. signifies a beta page, a place where the Weather Channel folks try out improvements to their site. Something still needs a little more work.