One Twist Too Many
Law and Order, the original, is one of a few TV shows I still watch regularly. I usually tape it, because it is so much better to fast forward through the commercials. We normally watch the tape on Fridays with dinner as we wind down from the work week. For whatever reason, we didn’t watch it then, we watched it tonight. They usually keep me guessing until the end by using plot twists, so it is hardly ever who you think it is.
Tonight they needed to link a guy to some money used for paying someone to kill his mistress. No matter how hard the DAs looked they couldn’t find a connection. They finally got the guy’s wife to come forward with a bank withdrawal form that made it look like he had gotten the money from one of his kids college funds. The jury convicted him because of it. Afterwards the assistant DA noticed the similarity between the wife’s handwriting and the signature on the withdrawal slip. The DAs confront the wife to see if she will admit to fabricating the slip. No way will she do it. They are left to believe that the wife set up the husband. Neat trick. Too neat I say. First thing they would have done is get the police to verify who actually withdrew the payoff money (if there ever was money withdrawn.) And even if they didn’t because it was the final nail in this guy’s coffin, certainly his defense lawyer would have checked out the slip.