5 Months Later
Back in May we stumbled onto the Google Street View Car on our bike ride home from work. The updated views are now online. If you click on the photo above, you will be taken to the street view in question. Feel free to move the little man along the block of Park Ave between Marlboro and Williamsburg.
To witness an anomaly in the fabric of space and time, start at Williamsburg and work your way east (to the right) and at one point Donna and I, along with the person walking along the street, flash out of the picture for an instant and then pop right back. Where did we go?
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 1174
They Say It’s Your Birthday
Gwyneth Paltrow, William Conrad, Arthur Penn and Samuel Adams.
Well, it’s my birthday too.
Those wild and crazy folks in our Shipping Department decided after their surprise birthday “party” for Donna, that they would have to do likewise for me. And I was totally got. I had no clue.
The idea for the shape of the cupcake cake and color scheme were the suggestion of my wife’s and I have to admit that that shade of purple is not the most visually appealing, but they sure tasted great. There was even ice cream and they sung the Happy Birthday song to me too. Thanks for the party folks, I had a whale of a time.
My Favourite Game
A couple of decades ago at a Miatas At The Gap event someone handed out a Mix CD that included a bunch of driving songs. It included The Cardigans tune My Favourite Game and while it is a cool song I could never really figure out the driving connection, until this morning. Thanks Jalopnik.
Stopped for some oriental food on the way home from work today. We can personally vouch for the deliciousness of the Tangerine Beef at the Red Bowl in Aiken. And if it is possible, the seared pot stickers appetizer outshone the entree.
The fortune in my cookie read: You will make many changes before settling satisfactorily.
Hoping to score some brownie points I said, “Well, this must be a past cookie as I have made all the changes I’m going to make.” Donna, without missing a beat says, “Its talking about your Fantasy Football team, dummy, you need to make some changes.”
Kilt Friday
left to right: Cousin Susie, Cousin Duncan, Donna, Me, Cousin Jimmy, Cousin Laurie, Howard.
For several years now I have been wearing a Hawaiian shirt to work on Fridays. I have tried to convert members of my department and even folks throughout the rest of the plant with limited success. The number has varied from 2, Mark & I, to 4 to three and now it is back to just the two of us. Hawaiian Shirt Friday runs from sometime in May until Labor Day. After the first week in September folks break out their favorite college or pro football team gear.
Way back in June when I first saw this Bloomberg Businessweek article, Why Pixar Employees Wear Kilts on Fridays, I have teased both my boss and my wife that I would wear a kilt on Fridays.
When we visited the Scottish games in Virginia on vacation I went shopping. Yikes. Quality kilts start at a C-Note and go up. Then you need the belt, the Sorran, the high socks, the shoes, etc. Turns out it is a major investment and one I’m not willing to make just to raise a few eyebrows on Fridays.
The photo above was taken by a friend of Duncan’s with her smarty pants phone. There were 3 taken all told, but I like this one because if you look quickly I look like I’m wearing a kilt…
Cake Wars
This is a photo of the second “cake” the folks at work had for Donna today. Her Department commissioned this one from a co-worker who does cakes on the side. It is a white cake with raspberry flavor and iced with lemon frosting. Mmmmmm. There was even vanilla ice cream to go with it. Her Supervisor sent out a 10:30 AM meeting request for everyone in the department, there was no agenda, so most were not really sure what the meeting was about and were as surprised as Donna. I got an invite to attend as well even though I am not in her department. The supervisor was covered in case anyone, even Donna, noticed my name on the attendee list as folks are forever sending us things meant for the other.
I said second cake, because about 30 minutes before her department had the birthday meeting, the Shipping Department threw an impromptu party for Donna that included cup cakes and ice cream. Donna works with them closely and she often volunteers to bring something when ever they have throw a shindig (which is quite often.) If the Princeton Review did a survey of which of the Valve Store’s departments was the Partyingest, Shipping would definitely come out on top.
To finish things off, we went out tonight to eat at Chili’s where if it is your birthday and you have joined their email club, you get a free brownie with ice cream dessert. Thanks Joan for taking us out and for helping us eat the brownie…