Stuff That Is Getting My Goat Right Now
Putting a microphone on Jason Giambi at the All-Star Game. Don’t we get enough grunting from our sports figures with women’s tennis?
Making fun of Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez’s affection for Yanni music. Can’t we just focus on the fact that a grown man doesn’t mind being called Pudge?
What happened to the Clemens/Piazza feud? Or did Mike get his revenge by telling the American League hitters just where Roger was going to throw?
My clothes dryer. The last one we had had a very hard to clean lint filter. So when we bought this new one several months ago I made sure that we got a flatter one that would be easier to clean. Well the joke is on me, no one is east to clean, but the design has gaps at the end of the fins that help tumble the clothes. These gaps are just big enough to get a sock or pair of skivvies wedged in them, so that they don’t dry. This is usually discovered when removing the 98% of the load that is dry and there is absolutely no way to dry one sock.