Kitchen Remodel From Hell
The cabinets that we were waiting for – the delivery company lost them. I wanted a dedicated line for the dishwasher and one for the refrigerator and the contractor said he’d need to sub out an electrician to do that. In our contract there was a decent chunk of change for electrical, but he was assuming that he could do it all. I offered him up to $400 to have the additional dedicated line put in. He sent and email today:
The two electrical circuits are being installed at 9 am in the morning. The total to add a dedicated refrigerator and dedicated dishwasher line is $650. Let me know if that’s ok.
I replied:
So we’re paying $400 and the other $250 is yours right?
Donna got on the warpath this afternoon and started with the cabinet people who once again said they would try and trace our elusive 3 cabinets. Unhappy with that, she started on the other end and talked to a manger at the NA Lowe’s. After reading him the riot act, he said he would check and see what he could find out. After an hour she called him back, he didn’t have an answer yet, give him another half hour. He called her before the time expired. He got the delivery company to admit that they LOST the cabinets. And being proactive, or trying desperately to cover their butts, the delivery company ordered replacements from Shenandoah, without telling Lowe’s. The manager was happy to report our cabinets would ship from the factory on the 13th.
So she questioned him to the fact that that meant we wouldn’t see the cabinets until a week later on the 20th. And when he hesitated, she told him that was unsatisfactory and if he couldn’t have a truck with those cabinets at our house by the 15th, he should bring the truck anyway so he can come get his cabinets and refund our money.
He said he’d call her back. He hasn’t yet. But still install the electrical because we are going to be sticking with the locations of stuff either way this shakes out.
His reply:
If you want me to pay the other $250 that’s fine. I know it was an unexpected cost. The lines are actually $275 each with $100 for wire and breakers. I’m concerned and wondering if there will ever be cabinets and the only scary part is that I have other jobs coming that are overlapping. I’m also going to Florida for a week at the beginning of April. I know y’all are frustrated with this whole process.
My response:
Every little setback chips away at our attitude. Minor little things now seem magnified, like why was the hammer out of my meager tool box used? And that would have been fine, but couldn’t it have been put away. It was OK that you laid out all the trim pieces to ensure you had it all, but could you have stacked them to one side so access to that bathroom didn’t involve tip toeing around things? We said help yourself to the sodas, but have the decency to either finish it or throw the unfinished can/bottle in the dumpster. Trust me, we got a lot of these…
Frustration. A lot of it stems from the lack of progress. We’ve paid you 2/3 of your price and it seems like we’ve gotten 1/3 of the work done. We understand that there is a process to these things and you want to get all the cabinets here before you put everything together, but it seems to us in our non-construction eyes that is a lot of stuff that could be going on while we wait for our three wayward cabinets to show. Is there any reason that the the three base cabinets on the front wall can’t be locked down along with that 15″ base unit? Plumbing for the dishwasher? Once the electrical is put in is there any reason that the back wall can’t be finished off, framing of the over the refrigerator and right side cabinets?
You too must be frustrated, but we are all in this too deep to back out now. Thanks for letting me vent here, I feel marginally better, the jury is still out on Donna though. I do know this, if either of us hears one more person say, “One day you’ll look back at this and laugh,” your brother may be involved in the investigation of the consequences. 🙂
I’m thinking that maybe I should pay a visit tomorrow morning to see if he is here and talk face to face. Sometimes email communications get misinterpreted because there is no way of perceiving infliction from the Courier New font.