Why do you think they call it a practice.
Missed rating last night. Had a good one worked up about movies again. Couldn’t finish Purple Noon on Monday afternoon and tried to watch Mulholland Dr., but bailed about 45 minutes in. But when I sat down to write it all out I couldn’t concentrate.
About 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon I felt flush and light headed, out of sorts. I had the nurse at work check my blood pressure, it was 176/102. She suggested I see my doctor. I called and they could give my an appointment at 9 the next morning. On the way to the car, my wife said lets just go over there. I got to see the Physician’s Assistant. Took my blood pressure and it was still like 170/110. My pulse was 78. Both high for me. I am usually right around 130/90 and my pulse is usually 55. She listened to my heart and went and got me a Hytrin (a blood pressure drug), said take one tonight, go to the lab and get some blood work and keep the 9 AM appointment tomorrow. Last night I hardly slept, I could feel every heartbeat and they seemed to be coming twice a second. Somewhere around 2 AM things seemed to slow enough that I got some bits of sleep in.
I got to the lab first thing and they took some blood and I made it to the doctor’s office a bit early. The nurse took my pressure and it was 160/100 with my pulse still 78. She said lets run an EKG. After that The PA came in and did the pressure thing – 156/96. The EKG showed nothing too abnormal, she said there was some indication of electrolyte imbalance, but need the blood work results before making any comments. That will take 24 hours (don’t get me started on why that is like that) and I should go back to work. I hadn’t slept so I went home and took a 2 hour nap.
I still feel crappy as I write this, but not like last night, I’m sure my heart rate and pressure are down, I can tell, but I’m still not right. Let’s see what they say tomorrow. Do I need to keep taking the Hytrin? Am I now a high blood pressure person? Is that how it comes about, suddenly and dramatically?