I have been orphaned by a TV show. Left out in the black.
I can’t get any of my small circle of sci-fi breathern to watch it, and to make matters worse there is just enough violence/gore to have made Donna stop watching the show with me after like the second episode. I’m all alone in the real world, but at least I have tens of snarky commenters at the virtual watercooler that is the AV Club website to share my thoughts with.
In a nice bit of internet symmetry here is an article from another of my favorite virtual watercoolers, written by the guy who reviews the show for the previously mentioned watercooler, that discusses the show, why I’m nearly alone and why I shouldn’t be. Orphan Black, the Pre-Recap-Era Throwback Sci-Fi Show You Should Catch Up With.
Orphan Black just finished its first season run of ten shows on BBC America* Saturday, but it might still be available On Demand from your local cable company. If not, this is the “Age of the Internet”, someone, somewhere, has recorded the show, thoughtfully edited out all the commercials and torrented the epsiodes…
*It has already been renewed for a second season.