The Blogging Must Go On
Managed one little trip out in the car today. Minor running around errands. The top stayed up because of the off and on rain all day. Worked out that the lull we went out in lasted for the duration, so we could have had the top down, sigh. The thunder is rumbling right now, the radio station I am listening to has had a few weird pauses and I’ve been booted off line a couple of times in the last half hour. The signs are there, I shouldn’t even have the PC on, but the blogging must go on.
Never did watch Last Man Standing, but instead watched Reign of Fire. I like sci-fi, I like dragon movies, but this sucker shoulda never been made. All through it, I couldn’t but think that the millions spent to make this movie would have been better used to feed a mid-sized African nation for a week. I’ve never seen Battlefield Earth in it’s entirety, just a few snippets on the cable, everyone said that movie was so dark it stank, well this thing makes BE look like the Music Man. Just a couple of days ago I was on a good movie roll, seems to have gone 180 on me…
Purchased Today: zilch
Money spent since 03/03/03: $208.98
Started up, still up.
Top Transitions since 02/02/03: 93