Early to Blog, Late to Watch
Dumped most of a whole quart of oil into the crankcase and got the ol’ dipstick lubed up to the F-word.
The UPS man pulled up just as I was going out to make a Staples run. He beeped and then disappeared into the back of his truck. I have two things coming, coco mats for the car and the Cowboy Up T-shirt. When I checked the mat order this afternoon it still just said, “Order submitted. Check back later.” So I figured it had to be the shirt and wouldn’t it be great for me get that thing and then the Red Sox lose the game. I have already risked the wrath of the baseball gods by buying the thing in the first place, but then to wear it before they have actually won the series – oh, boy. I’d never let me live that down.
Purchased Today: $1.91 qt of oil
Money spent since 03/03/03: $2487.30
Started down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/02/03: 255