South Carolina has around 100 different “specialty” license plates that a person can have instead of the plain ol’ plate. I have a non-standard plate on my car as a matter of fact. One of those plates, not mine, has kicked a bit of controversy since it’s introduction in 2001 and made it all the way to the doorstep of the US Supreme Court.

The “Choose Life” plate was ruled as a violation of the First Amendment in 2003 because there was no state sponsored alternatives for the pro-choice side. Yesterday the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, upholding the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling, keeping the plates on the shelves. In an effort to allow the issuing of the “Choose Life” tags, South Carolina lawmakers introduced several bills today proposing new license plates, including ones that say “Pro Choice” or “Choose Abortion”. My favorite comes from Greenville Senator Mike Fair which will say, “Choose Death.” I wonder what the artwork for that one will be? A bloody coat hanger? Here is my entry in case they have a design contest…

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 17