Today the weather turned positively normal and we almost put the top down for the ride home. Maybe next week when we get off at 4 o’clock and the sun is just a touch higher in the sky…
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 15
Today the weather turned positively normal and we almost put the top down for the ride home. Maybe next week when we get off at 4 o’clock and the sun is just a touch higher in the sky…
Well, actually the Emperor is. Last fall when we were at the Rspeed Open House the folks from Grassroots Motorsports took a couple of pictures and wrote a little blurb about the event. It is in the current issue and one of the photos (right) features the very photogenic rear end of my car parked alongside Ron Kaufman’s 93LE.
This morning’s low was in the twenties and the high was barely into the forties and it is supposed to be like that for a while now. I guess to average out those days of 10-15 degrees above normal temperatures we will now be subjected to 10-15 degrees below normal ones.
I’ve got a C note earmarked for Miata mods burning a hole in my pocket.
I started out going to buy some clear side markers for the front and some stealth turn signal bulbs. I would then pull off the yellow lamin-x fog light protectors, giving the front of the car a unified white light look.
Then I tossed around adding teeth again. I had some Alley Gator ones on the Laguna, so I would like something different this time. The only other one I really like is the Diablo, but in my travels along the Miata lane of the information superhighway this weekend I have come across two cars with those teeth installed, one of which is a Garnet Red! Are thet too popular or was this just a random happenstance.
My other thought is to go with something I saw on a car at the Rspeed Open House last year – A side mount for a front license plate with a Japanese tag on it. South Carolina doesn’t require a front tag, so if others can put a “GO COCKS!” tag on their cars…
I closed up shop on the Barndoor Fan Club this afternoon. I copied all the files onto a sub domain of this site though ( ) for posterity. My hold on the domain lasts until the middle of next month and I have an agreement with the hosting company until March sometime, but I wanted to leave a custom 404 page out there for a while before it goes dark. I sent out an email to everyone on the list I have and posted something on the Forum telling them I was hanging up the spikes. I thought I had someone who was going to take over the show, but the last I heard anything from him was Thanksgiving. Maybe this will jog his memory.
I still remember when I got my order of 125 three inch diameter Club stickers, I thought I would never be able to get rid of them all. Well, 2-1/2 years later they were all gone. I even had T-shirts professionally screen-printed, four different times, probably over 60 shirts. About 10 of them I gave away as prizes in photo contests. The stickers were gone, the T-shirts were gone, heck even my car with barndoors was gone, it was time to hang it up.
Not with a bang, but our more normal weather returned with a passing front last night. How easy we became used to the warmer temps. Today at quitting time it was sunny and lower 50s, but we left the top up because it was “cold.” In another couple of weeks we will be putting the top down in those conditions…
I’ve already posted here twice today and neither one seemed like a good one to add the top transitions to, so I’ve made a third post just to keep you updated on what the top has been doing today – nothing.