It was supposed to get into the middle 70s today. Tomorrow rain and the weekend cold, so Donna convinced me to take the afternoon off and enjoy the day.
We headed over to Sportsman BBQ and got a plate and a sandwich to go. And go we did. We went up to a small park next to Clark’s Hill Lake. We had a little picnic at one of the tables overlooking the lake and the dam. After eating we spread out a blanket and lounged in the sun to read some. A fairly short time after we got settled, another car showed up. A minivan with a young family. They proceeded to unload a huge amount of stuff, strollers, bikes, coolers, fishing poles, etc. Mom and young daughter were in constant communication, “Stay here.” “Alright,” as she wanders off. “Don’t go far. ” “I won’t,” as she keeps on walking. “Come over here.” “Mom?”
We packed our books and blanket in the trunk and went for a walk around exploring every nook and cranny of the small park. After about a half an hour we got back in the car and went for a nice drive in the country before coming home.
Really nice day for a convertible. But somehow I feel we are going to have to pay for it with a couple inches of snow in February…
Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 12