Should Have Picked Murals
As I mentioned Thursday, I did start a photo contest over on called Capitol Idea. I got it all setup and ready to go late Friday evening. I posted the announcement even though I didn’t even have my usual example entry up. I didn’t have one.
This morning Donna and I drove up the Columbia to snap some photos of the Miata with the SC State Capitol in the background. First we tried to shoot from the east side so that the sun was behind us. There was no clear vantage point. The couple of pictures I tried were awful with just a glimpse of the dome behind trees. The east side views are nearly non existent period. The west side views were slightly more accessible, but the sun was such that the extreme back lighting made good exposure impossible. The best views and lighting were with the north side views. Of course there was road construction going on such to prevent any stopping for picture taking.
I ended up with nothing for a contest entry. While driving around we passed one of my favorite photo spots, the parking area that has the hay rolls mural and the tunnel mural. We found a new place with some railroad themed murals, a night club with a nice parking lot out front. The sun didn’t really cooperate here either, but I did get the one attached, that isn’t too bad.
After the “Capitol” disappointment I logged on to and cancelled the contest. I hadn’t received any entries anyway. Still in the mood to run one of these things, I renamed the contest “My Favorite Miata Picture” Contest 2 and relaunched it over on
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 269