Out With The Rabbit
Back from a weekend in Hilton Head. Once a year we get the run of a 2-bedroom condo down there for free. Well actually it is in payment for doing the owner’s web page (man, I hope the IRS isn’t reading this) he owns a couple and manages a lot more. I did the original page a ways back and do a couple of updates to it yearly to keep the units and their photos updated.
Actually had the top down on both Friday and Saturday afternoons. Felt good as it had been almost a week since the car was convertiblized…
Yesterday I washed the grime off the car. When I was finished, I pulled the Wabbit Teeth out of the mouth. Never did grow to like them. May give them away if I can find a sucker that’ll have them. Should I put the Alley Gator teeth back in or should I go with something different?
Today it was actually nice enough to ride home with the top down.
Started up, went down, went up, went down, went up, went down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/02/02: 340