Fading Blurry Video Tape
A friend from work has lent me his DVD set of the first two seasons of Rumpole of the Bailey I loved this series when it aired on PBS in the late 70’s -early 80’s. I have quite a few episodes on fading blurry video tape. I watched 2 episodes tonight and I vaguely remember them so it was much fun watching. The back of the DVD mentioned they are on the discs in the correct chronological order. They are at least in a different order that what it listed on the few web sites I visited. 10 episodes to go and then there is the 2 hour movie Rumpole Returns on the last disc. I do hope the release all of the series on DVD, I think there were 6 or 7 series of 6 shows apiece. Leo would do 2 seasons and call it quits, it would take a couple years of coaxing to get him back to playing Rumpole. Then the cycle would repeat. He finally hung up the robes and powdered wig for good in the early nineties.
Started down, went up, still up.
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