Our new house number is 1025 and back in late December I found some steel circles with three of the four numbers cut out of them on a shelf in the garage. We wondered what happened to the #1? Thinking that these looked a lot better than the generic bought at Walmart house numbers that already adorned the place, and after an extensive search didn’t turn it up, we set out to find someone in town that could make a matching number one.
Our first stop told us that it looked like it was made using a plasma cutter and he didn’t have one. He thought for sure he could make something just like it, but it would be expensive in both time and materials. So he directed us to a place he thought could do it a lot cheaper. “Heck,” he said, “They might have even made these existing numbers.”
Stop number two was a heating and air condition business. They had a plasma cutter, plenty of material, and said they thought they could do it for on the cheap. They didn’t do the ones I had in hand, so the fellow asked if I knew what the font was. I told him no, but I bet if I searched on the Internet I could find a font that looked very similar with a little research.
I called him back the next day and gave him the names of about 4 fonts that I thought would be good enough. He told me it would a quick job to do, but it it had to come after all the other jobs on hand or that came up that profited the company a heck of a lot more that the sawbuck I was willing to pay for my #1. I told him I understood and that I’d give him a call once a week to check in.
Last Monday, after around four weeks he called and said that I could come get my number one. I’ve have painted them in the same red color as we painted our plain front door and will mount them just above the garage door on the next nice afternoon.