Memes « back to albumTuesday Challenge Heat - This bright orange sunrise over Hilton Head Island didn't deliver much heat because of the time of the year. (11/18/07)Cardboard - I didn't know I grew lettuce... (07/05/03)History - 1949 Lincoln (10/30/04)Motion - A street corner cafe in downtown Asheville, NC (05/08/04)Mist - Morning. Seabeck, WA (10/01/06)Tall - Wave Demonstrator Thingie outside Fort Discovery, the National Science Center in Augusta, GA. (11/21/07)Blue - At the local recreation area there are 14 different softball and little league fields. Guess which field I'm at? (10/29/06)Road - Playing chase on one of the 318 turns in 11 miles of Deal's Gap (US129) in western North Carolina / eastern Tennessee. (09/11/04)