These used to be called Kroger Fuel Points when we were back in ol’ SC, but the Kroger brand stores are called Fred Meyer out here. The difference is that they are a grocery stores plus a department store under one roof. Because they are part of the Kroger family, they offer the same fuel points deal – spend a buck and get a point, each hundred of points equals a dime off a gallon of gas at their pumps.
Back in Aiken we churned through points at the pump and zeroed out all we earned each month in that month. Fortunately the points are good in the month earned and are good until the end of the next month, which is where we are now using the points because of the pandemic and all we don’t drive enough to go through our monthly points in that month. Right now we are not even filling the tank of either car either. We go in the final days of the next month and put on average a half of a tank in one or the other car. Usually the Mini.
Today we ran to the store to get one item missed on our weekly shopping trip, parchment paper for those keeping track, and after we checked out we noticed that we were about 30 points shy of the next 100 point level, so we needed to spend a little over $30 at Freddy’s over the next couple of days.
If you have been following me on Instagram, or checking the IG widget on the right of the page, you will know that we have been running through jigsaw puzzles at a prodigious rate. One, to be killing time safely because of COVID and two, the fact that it is winter out and we have not adjusted to cold weather outdoor activities yet. We have bought a few puzzles new, but have mostly been scouring the local thrift stores for bargains.
We had entered Fred Meyer at the opposite end that we usually do because it was the one closest to the gas pumps, we were using up December’s Fuel points to put a little over a half a tank of premium in the Mini. So instead of walking out the exit Donna made a beeline to the toy department so see about buying three 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzles to add to our stash of bargain puzzles awaiting solving. As it turned out the were Buy One, 1/2 Off The Second, so we ended up with 4 for the price of one.
And we ended up leaving the store with a full eight hundred four fuel points that we need to use before February 28th.