Nice Day
Sunny and lower 60’s for the drive home today. Turned the usual 6 mile commute into 25 miles of a top down, tunes up cruise. 🙂
Sunny and lower 60’s for the drive home today. Turned the usual 6 mile commute into 25 miles of a top down, tunes up cruise. 🙂
I’m an ex-smoker so I know what they are going through and I can sympathize with them, but why is it they have to stand right near the door? Whenever you leave or enter the building it is like running the gauntlet of smoke. It is even worse when it rains, nothing is worse than the smell of a wet ashtray…
Sunny and lower 50’s today, so when we got home from a bike ride we went for a car drive. The car was firing on all 4 cylinders, unfortunately my brain was only firing on 3. We took a drive to a friends house and I totally spazzed on the turn down their road. No problem, just go a couple of miles further and catch the next right. Only problem is we don’t come in that way often, so I cruise right by their driveway. No problem, just get to the next street and do a U-turn. After the visit we headed home and I had no problem finding the way to my street, but for some reason drove right by my driveway. I think I was keying in on my neighbor’s mailbox, we both have reflective house numbers on our boxes and 780 looks a lot like 778 when you ain’t paying attention.
Are the people who buy used cars that gullible? The local Toyota dealer frequently runs this ad in the Sunday paper. Here are some quotes:
“One of Georgia’s largest Toyota dealers has been ordered to conduct…”
Ordered by who?
“…every car is on sale, first come-first served, and no auction bidding is required.”
Darn, I so wanted to bid.
“Be there early, because last time another dealer outside our city limits conducted a sale like this, they had over 400 respond by 8:00 PM and some actually camped out on the public sidewalks…”
Probably the same guys who are waiting in line for the next Star Wars.
“Don’t forget some will actually be sold as low as seventy-seven $77 dollars!”
Huh, seventy-seven seventy-seven dollars dollars?
Had a little project to do today. It involved my garage door opener so I was up on a ladder. Well more like up and down and up and down and…. I don’t do enough of this home improvement stuff, but maybe if I did I would have one of those belts. It seems every time I needed the screwdriver it was on the counter not in my pocket or on the ladder. I’d go get the screwdriver and put down the socket wrench. Up the ladder and use the screwdriver. Now I need the the socket wrench and it is AWOL.
A Miata is as good as a pick-up truck as long as it is a sunny day. Spent most of the day trying to get my garage door to work smoother. I’ve bought a new opener, replaced the wheels, cleaned the tracks and tightened the hinges. the only left was to lower the opener. It is pretty far up because there was no stud above the header in the center of the door to bolt the track to. Off to Lowe’s. The rain they predicted last night has yet to arrive and it is a good thing too, because how else would I get an 8′ 2×4 and an 8′ 2×8 home without the top down.
Lower 60’s and partly cloudy today, a far cry from the predicted scattered showers. Top down errand at lunch (put it back up during work, in case) and a short drive before heading home.
The lunch errand was to a used car dealer down the street from where we work. Passed by the other day and noticed an early vintage Miata on the lot. Every time I catch one at a used car lot I drop off a copy of the latest club newsletter and a form letter thing telling the new owner about our Club, the national Club and Miata Net. We haven’t picked up any members from this, but you never know.