Dressing – Undressing Contest
This afternoon I finally polished the right taillight to match the left. When Jim got to the Sonic, we walked over to my car so I could give him the wheel and polish back, he said, “Missed one.” Me, “Huh?” Jim, “The third brake light on the trunk lid.” Me, “DOH!” accompanied by a Homer Simpson-esque head slap. The Procrastinator King now has 10 days to do the center taillight before the next Club meeting.
Big crowd for MMM…Time number two, considering 3 of the regulars were off tearing up the track at Talladega. Judy Arrowood and sons, Nicholas and Zachary came out in the Miata with the VW Bug kit. 🙂 Cathy Miller rode navigator in son Andrew’s car, while her friend Roxanna Lane drove her car. Ron Kaufman’s son, Keith and grandson Josh came along in a Corvette. And guest Terre Bohman joined some of us regulars in his turbo’d white ’99 with those sweet Flyin’ Miata duals. Seven Miatas and nine cars in all.
Plan was to hang out at the Sonic an hour or so, then take a back road drive over to North Augusta and the site of last month’s MMM…Time, the Sno-Cap. The Sno-Cap was having their 4th Saturday Cruise-In and we wanted to look under the hood of a car besides Jim’s. We ended up staying a while longer than planned at Sonic, as Jim was stuffed under the dashboard of Andrew’s car fixing his windshield wipers. Without too much more than the usual shenanigans associated with a nine car train on public roads, we managed to make the last half of the Cruise-In. John & Jackie skipped the drive and were waiting for us at the Sno-Cap.
When we finished parking, the lot was full, even with Ron and son parking in the church lot across the street. Besides us there was a little of everything, classics, hot rods, 60’s muscle and even a couple of choppers. They held some drawings for door prizes and Jim won a milkshake, while John won a banana split. Andrew would have won a T-shirt, but he left 5 minute before they drew his name. Ron missed winning a Long Dog for the same reason.
After the prizes, Sno-Cap owner, Rachel tried unsuccessfully to coerce enough contestants to hold some sort of dressing/undressing contest. She swears that they had done it once already earlier and everyone had fun, we remained unconvinced.
Started up, went down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/01/02: 63