Piled Into The MSV
Felt crappy this afternoon, so we put the top up and rode home with the top up and A/C on. Had to get out of the car in the driveway to manually open the the garage door, we on a waiting list for the repair person to visit and see what it will cost to fix/replace the opener. After supper the of us piled into the MSV and made a run to Target. Bought a new phone/answering machine ’cause the insurance man said nobody fixes them so just keep the receipt. While we were there we bought a cheap 19″ TV because we couldn’t stand it without any TV to watch. What the heck, if the TV repair guy can fix the other one for cheap, we’ll just sell it and at least recoup the repair cost.
Started down, went up, still up.
Top Transitions sine 02/02/02: 126