First time, in what seems like months but only has been days, we got to leave the top down all day free from worry of precipitation. Also, the first time since daylight savings time ended that I needed my sunglasses for the drive home. Plus the sun is now so low in the sky that I needed a hat to shade my eyes. Some one called it obsessive, I called it Miata-O-Lantern…
Started down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/02/02: 298
West Wing II
This time I paid attention and when it was over I wished it wasn’t. Not only that, but it seemed too short. Very fanciful view of politics – no way that a presidential campaign debate would shake out that way, but made for good TV. I now know the way they gracefully rid themselves of Rob Lowe after his, what they felt were, unreasonable salary demands. That too was setup nicely. Mr. Sorkin cast one of his “Sports Night” alums, Josh Molina, in a good role. As a bonus, The Wonder Years, Danica McKellar had a small role too.
Guest Rant – Tom Petty
Somehow my mother-in-law started receiving Rolling Stone Magazine. Hey, she’s 72 and seems to get quite a few things she doesn’t remember ordering. 🙂 Needless to say, she just passes it to me because she isn’t interested. Issue 909 has a one page bit on the 10 things that piss him off. 1 Radio is not even worth listening to “I don’t really give a flying fuck about any of it. I’ve tuned out…
Right on, brother Tom. Read the rest of the article here: Tom Petty Is Pissed
I’m Not Worthy
Got my CD Mix of the Month discs today. Cool stuff. listening to the second for the second time now. Josh’s, as usual, was 90% unfamiliar territory, but excellent. Pepperspray from ifishery was 90% familiar, but nicely but together. Great month and once again I feel I’m not worthy of being in the little club.
Started down, went up, went down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/02/02: 296
Daylight Standard Time
I don’t have the typical gripe about the 15 clocks I have to change. I’m sure some folks have more, some less, but all just as aggravating. I don’t like it for the same reason I don’t like fall as a season – it means winter is coming. Cold wood floors, dry, itching skin, top up on the convertable…
Q Is For Quarry
Only left the house to go to Zaxby’s for lunch and Kroger for grocery shopping. Spent most of the day reading Q is for Quarry, now excuse me while I go finish it….
Started down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/02/02: 294