10th Anniversary Dinner
Ironed out the details on the Miata caricature. I know you are probably asking what the difference is, well if you look at the first one closely you would see that the steering wheel was on the wrong side of the car (the fellow who does them is in England.) Plus I didn’t want to see the big CarArtz.com logo in the white space. Dave has agreed to make it a lot smaller and hide it in the shadow of the car.
Tonite was the “gala” 10th Anniversary Dinner for the Master’s Miata Club. Good time. We had 25 people enjoy good food and good company. We had 2 of the founding 12 in attendance. One is a somewhat active member still and the other has pretty much been a ghost, she hasn’t been to an event since I’ve been active with the Club (November 1995.)
Started up, still up.
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