Movies, Movies, Movies
Last night we made it 45 minutes into Welcome to Collinwood before turning it off. This morning we only got to the 30 minute mark of All or Nothing. This got me to thinking just how many of the movies I’ve picked from Netflix have we not finished watching. Because I’m that sort of anal retentive person I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of every movie I’ve rented and how long I kept it before watching it and how many movies we average watching in a month. I went back and ran through the list and added another column for the DNF (Did Not Finish) marking. I had to look up some of them so I could remember them, but I think I got a pretty accurate count. Turns out it is pretty damn close to 20% of the movies rented were not watched all the way through.
Here is the data:
1081 Total Days Member
236 Total Movies Watched
47 Movies Not Finished
19.9% Percentage Of Movies Not Finished
6.5 Average Movies Watched Per Month
$3.23 Cost per Rental
18 Average Days Out