F*ckin Cry Baby Manny
I had a rant all laid out for here tonight, but I’ve moved it out until tomorrow.
So much for the big showdown in Fenway this afternoon between Roger Clemmens and Pedro Martinez, what was billed as a pitchers duel turned into a mini brawl between the two teams. Started when Pedro hit a Yankee player. He took exception and when he slid into 2nd base he went out of his way to try and level Tod Walker of the Red Sox. Next inning Roger throws something high and inside to Manny Ramirez, not real close, but Manny gets upset and starts towards the mound – the benches clear. The low light of the whole thing (and quite possibly the funniest) was Pedro Martinez putting 70 year-old Don Zimmer in a headlock and wrestling him to the ground.
Later in the game some cluck of a fan drops into the Yankee bullpen and starts wailing on a player. I know hockey season has started, but aren’t the combatants supposed to be on ice skates.