Stubbed my toe on the leg of the futon yesterday. Really hard. It hurt like the dickens, but settled into a dull ache by the end of the day. When I took off my sock to shower the middle toe on my right foot was an ugly shade of purple black. I took an Aleve and went to bed.
Today at work the plant nurse confirmed my uneducated diagnosis, broken. She was nice enough to tape the ugly toe to the nice pink one next door, all the while explaining how if I wanted I could go to the doctor and they would give me a wooden shoe. Not like the little Dutch boy shoe, but a contraption with a very stiff sole and some sort attachment that would prevent me from putting any pressure on the toe. Or I could just live with the tape job and be careful. I’m going with the tape.
I could have saved her the trouble if I had only found this site on the web last night: FIXING A BROKEN TOE WITH DUCT TAPE AND BUNGEE CORDS
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 10