I closed up shop on the Barndoor Fan Club this afternoon. I copied all the files onto a sub domain of this site though ( ) for posterity. My hold on the domain lasts until the middle of next month and I have an agreement with the hosting company until March sometime, but I wanted to leave a custom 404 page out there for a while before it goes dark. I sent out an email to everyone on the list I have and posted something on the Forum telling them I was hanging up the spikes. I thought I had someone who was going to take over the show, but the last I heard anything from him was Thanksgiving. Maybe this will jog his memory.
I still remember when I got my order of 125 three inch diameter Club stickers, I thought I would never be able to get rid of them all. Well, 2-1/2 years later they were all gone. I even had T-shirts professionally screen-printed, four different times, probably over 60 shirts. About 10 of them I gave away as prizes in photo contests. The stickers were gone, the T-shirts were gone, heck even my car with barndoors was gone, it was time to hang it up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 13