I Hope You Laughed Your Ass Off
If not at the joke in the previous post, at least at the man who took over an hour to post it to his blog.
About mid-morning my email alert chimed and when I opened it I got a little joke from one of the usual suspects. I thought it was cute and I hadn’t blogged one in a while, so I went online and hit “new Entry.”
Because it came the way it did there was of course several right brackets and extra carriage returns to remove, so I cut and pasted into an empty txt file. After sprucing up I cut and pasted it into the Entry Body area and hit publish.
I was greeted with a 404. Huh? Back button, try again, 404. Maybe there is some sort of hidden escape character that I can’t see and the cutting and pasting is just inserting it, which makes the entry fail. So I open the txt file in word and save it as a word document. I close out Word and open it back up to the file. I then save it to a plain txt file again. Open the txt file, copy and paste that into the Entry area again and hit publish. 404. Dang.
Next I try and paste in each of the 3 paragraphs one at a time publishing after each one. First one goes fine, second one too, but number three is the culprit. So I try pasting it into the Extended Entry area to see if it would work there. Nope. Dang, Now I’ve got 2/3 a joke online and no punch line. I delete the post and rebuild the blog. I’ll try again when I get home, maybe something at work is causing it…
I forwarded the email to home and did the whole clean and prune exercise again before attempting the posting. All three paragraphs at once netted the same results, 404. (which reminds me, I need to make a custom 404 page for here) So I plugged in the first two paragraphs and published. I then started adding 3 or 4 words at a time from the punch paragraph until it failed. Which turned out to be right after the word python. I tried skipping the word weally when pasting and that didn’t work. I then tried typing in the word weally, nope. How about if I spell it correctly? Really didn’t do the trick either. So then I went back to my original txt file and pasted it in. That worked! There was a line break after the word python in that file, so I cleaned up the text file and I left the extra carriage return in after python and that worked too. The thing that I did to solve the problem and not have a misplaced carriage return was I placed a no breaking space in html code between python and weally.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 30