For How Long?

On our way back from Columbia this afternoon we passed by a cemetery and out front was 3’x 5′ white banner with bright blue lettering. “SPECIAL! 2 Plots. $31.00 per Month.”

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 34

P y t h o n    P r o b l e m

I can’t beleive it. the word “p y t h o n” causes me to not be able to publish. First it was the joke. Then I had the same problem with me bitching about not being able to post the joke. What the heck is that all about? Is it just me?

I can use python

as long as it is the last word in a line. But I cannot type the word python and another word with a plain space between them. I have to seperate the words with & n b s p ;. Good thing this blog isn’t about snakes.