For How Long?
On our way back from Columbia this afternoon we passed by a cemetery and out front was 3’x 5′ white banner with bright blue lettering. “SPECIAL! 2 Plots. $31.00 per Month.”
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 34
On our way back from Columbia this afternoon we passed by a cemetery and out front was 3’x 5′ white banner with bright blue lettering. “SPECIAL! 2 Plots. $31.00 per Month.”
Last week some time I noticed the “Invite a Friend to Gmail” link was back at the top of the page when using Gmail. I ignored it.
Later in the week I noticed the “Invite” link was gone. Oh well, I figured if I wasn’t giving them away to “friends” fast enough, they were passing them along to those who would. Turns out they weren’t gone, just moved. The invite think has its own little block on the lower left of the Gmail page right below the labels menu. I have 50! to give away. Ha, I don’t have one single person to give a Gmail address too, let alone 50.
I have pestered everyone I know, I have offered them up free to strangers who have stumbled onto my blog via the Insane Giveaway Nights, I’ve tossed a few to fellow Miata.netters and I have even given them away philanthropically via gmailomatic, so how the heck am I to rid myself of these?
Even though it is against the Gmail Terms of Service I am going to sell them that’s how (what are they going to do, take away my account?) So if you want one of my Gmail Invites, just paypal $1,000.0 US to me at brian AT mr-miata DOT com. I figure if I sell enough of them I can buy one of those brand new next generation Miatas that they are going to introduce in about a week at the Geneva Auto Show.
The car is pretty dirty and today would have been a nice day to give it a bath. The Emporer doesn’t look too bad from further than 30 feet away (see yesterday’s Rural photo), but it has got an under layer of road grime, and believe it or not a sprinkling of pine pollen on top of that. Plus the wheel wells and the tires now have a orangish dirt covering in spots as a result of yesterday’s Rural picture. But I refuse to wash it because the Weather Channel is calling for rain tomorrow night and Monday, with more in store for Wednesday and Thursday.
It really is too soon for pine pollen, but that is just what it is. I’m thinking the 30-35 MPH winds of early this week shook it out of the trees prematurely. Our company’s property is littered with pine trees and every spring for three weeks we get a major dusting of the yellow powder.
Went for a little hike in Hitchcock Woods this afternoon for two reasons; one to take this picture. Which looks pretty much like the last two months photos. I bet next month’s will show some change, because spring will be cranking up by then. And two was to go for a nice walk in the woods. I know we were rained out of hiking last week, but for some reason it seems longer than 2 weeks since we’ve hiked.
I can’t beleive it. the word “p y t h o n” causes me to not be able to publish. First it was the joke. Then I had the same problem with me bitching about not being able to post the joke. What the heck is that all about? Is it just me?
I can use python
as long as it is the last word in a line. But I cannot type the word python and another word with a plain space between them. I have to seperate the words with & n b s p ;. Good thing this blog isn’t about snakes.