Can’t Leave Well Enough Alone Can I?
When I first started this re-design I wanted the posts to show up in different color blocks. I tried 3 different MT plugins with no success. Today I googled for a php script that would do a random thing and found a simple one on scriptygoddess that looked promising. And, well, wouldn’t you know it, it worked. I’ve just used it on the front page, the monthly archives and individual pages are still monocolored. So now that I got what I wished for, am I happy? Not sure. Maybe I need to find one that will run through a list instead of random. Maybe I should quit mucking around.
Tonight was (is) West Wing marathon on Bravo. I watched 2.5 episodes before I broke away. While watching that 2-1/2 hours of TV I was subjected to at least 50 promos for other Bravo shows and their new logo is now permanently etched into my head…you know, if I removed the left two roundings and dangled a triangle down and to the left I could have my posts appear in a bravolike box.
Now the question becomes, should the bravo boxes be different colors or not? 😀
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 62