I’m Right Proud Of Myself

This afternoon while surfing through the movies channels looking for something to watch I came upon That Damn Pirate Movie (I guess I need to add TDPM to the acronym list), it was about 45 minutes into it, and I managed to not get sucked into watching it. I only stuck around for about 5 seconds, but had I stayed, say 30 seconds or so, I bet I would have been hooked.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 207

Any Port In The Storm

Well Mateys, it happened again this evening. I lost time. Fox Mulder would tell you that that is a sign of alien abduction.

After dinner I settled in on the couch to finish reading my current book, I had my headphones for music and a fresh Diet Dr. Pepper to slake my thirst when I made the fatal mistake of doing a quick check of the movie channels. It was about 20 minutes after 6PM when the channels stopped moving on Encore wam. Next thing I knew it was 8:20PM. If it was 9 minutes I’d have said Mulder was right, but this was 2 hours, that could only mean one thing….

Barbossa: For too long I’ve been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I’ve been starving to death and haven’t died. I feel nothing. Not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea. Nor the warmth of a woman’s flesh.
[steps into moonlight becoming a skeleton]
Barbossa: You best start believing in ghost stories Miss Turner. You’re in one.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 205

So If You Get Hurt And Miss Work, It Won’t Hurt To Miss Work

Our friend’s 11-year old son plays on a traveling baseball team. No, not like Bingo Long & 20 other guys in an old bus barnstorming the southeast, but more like 20 Chrysler minivans with rear seat entertainment centers filled with siblings who go from town to town all over the state every other weekend playing more teams just like themselves in tournaments. The teams have to pay to enter the tournaments and there are uniforms to buy and umpires to bribe and all manner of other expenses that are borne by the parents. To help offset these costs, they do what all kids are taught in school to do from an early age, they sell stuff.

The team’s current scheme promotion is selling raffle tickets to win a bat that has been signed by Yogi Berra. When we had a visit from them this evening to ask if we would like to take some chances, I asked, “Yogi Berra, isn’t that the guy from those Aflac commercials?”

Jared, just gave me as world-weary a look as an eleven year old could, like he had heard that a million times before and it wasn’t that funny the first time either, and nodded his head to say just fill out the back of the ticket fool.

Started down, went up, went down, back up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 205


I grew up in Connecticut, but ever since I joined the Navy at 18, I have not been back north to live (except for that 2 year mistake in NJ.) I have lived in Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina for a total of over 30 years. The last 16 have been here in Aiken, SC. While I don’t consider myself a Yankee anymore, I am still far from being a southern country boy and every once in a while I’m really reminded of that fact.

Here at ASCO the Activities Committee is forever raffling off one thing or another. They sell tickets for a dollar and all the money goes into a kitty to fund donations to worthy causes and a family fun day. The raffles are usually theme related to a holiday, like for Mother’s Day it was a basket with fluffy stuff & a gift certificate to a day spa. For Father’s Day, the prize was a combination smoker & grill.

Well, for fourth of July, they are raffling of a hog. A 50lb dressed, ready to cook, pig. Soooey.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 196