House Cleaning

I killed the the three old blogs, The Miata Diaries, Brian’s Daily Rant and PLOG. I had left the archives hanging out there in case anyone had them linked, but decided to just go ahead and delete them. The internet is full of broken links, what is a couple thousand more among friends. If any one had the blog’s home page linked they will get redirected to here.

Went on another bicycle ride this morning, a whopping 8-1/2 miles. This ride was just an easy jaunt which included a stop at the New Moon Cafe for some of their fantastic muffins. We brought them home and ate in front of the tube while watching cyclists only slightly more in shape than us ride the Tour de France.

Holy Cow

In downtown Aiken we have an ice cream parlor called the Sweet Cow Creamery. They have something called The Holy Cow, eight scoops of ice cream in a waffle bowl, if you eat the whole thing by yourself you get a free T-shirt. Every time we have company in town we invariably end up there for ice cream and Donna tries to get someone to try and eat one. Her bigger brothers, her younger brother, my brother-in-law, my sister, her sister, me, but no one wants to do it, whether for fear of failure or tossing their cookies or maybe permanent brain freeze, but no one has volunteered to take the challenge. Yesterday she finally got a taker, a friend from the old Navy days was in town and her 15-year old son said he’d do it if she would too. The contest was on.

As a warm-up, Donna and Mike walked the 3 miles into town together while his mom Chris and I chatted on the screened porch for about 30 minutes to give them a head start. Nervous energy must have caused them to walk a little fast because they actually beat us to the The Sweet Cow. Chris And I had to make a run to the ATM while the Holy Cows were being prepared, as they cost $11 each. Somehow we forgot the think that they might actually charge for the thing.

Donna actually finished a few minutes ahead of Mike, but he too managed to devour heaps of ice cream and waffle bowl. They each are now the proud owners of T-shirts that say Holy Cow on the front with a cute little cow cartoon and on the back in big letters it says, “I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing!”

I forgot the digital camera, but Chris had her SLR and promises to send us some copies. If it won’t cause irreparable harm to my marriage I’ll post a picture or two. While there is possible embarrassment in the photos, I think Donna is more worried about when they post her name on the big list that is in their front window…

Update: The Sweet Cow Creamery printed up the new window banners – photos here.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 215

Morbid Fascination

As if living through the eighties once wasn’t bad enough. I found a channel on the digital cable channel line up that I swear wasn’t there before, VH1 Classics. And like our natural reaction to a car wreck on the highway, I slowed my channel surfing to watch. What was with the little aerobic instructor headbands on guys. Rod Stewart was very feminine back then. Yikes, who dresses Stevie Wonder, a pink v-necked cashmere sweater!?! The last video I watched on the channel before I sped away was by a group called Scandal with Patty Smyth singing, appropriately entitled “Goodbye To You.”

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 213