Free Time

Donna and I took a nice short 8.5 mile bike ride this morning. The sun was just clearing the trees when we started and it was actually cool. Made a stop at the bagel place for breakfast and then pedaled home on the busiest road in town (because it was so early there was no traffic to speak of, but hours later it was clogged with shoppers.)

So what am I doing with all my free time now that I’m not doing those photo memes? Not coming up with quality blog posts that’s for sure. I had a great one earlier, but didn’t write down a hint, so I would remember it now that I’m actually sitting in front of the PC. It was kick-ass too! Better than yesterday’s post!

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 291

I’m Done For Now

I have unsubscribed from the mailing lists of the three photography memes I have participated in regularly for about the last two years. At first they were exciting, they gave me something to do with the digital camera. But recently they have become tiring for me, how many times can you shoot “Yellow”? Yeah, I know, there are about a thousand ways to picture yellow, but only if you are really into photography.

For me it was always something I toyed with, never real serious. I took a bunch of photography courses in college and I’ve read a bunch of books on the subject too, so I know how to take a good photograph, but I don’t spend the time doing it to actually get them. I usually end up with a bunch of snapshots and from what I’ve seen on the web, there are too many snapshots out there already.

When I first got into blogging I stumbled onto CD Swaps and I did that for awhile, but I stopped. Then I did the photography thing, but that is over now. What is the next thing I’ll get “into”? Suggestions welcome.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 291