You Can Never Be Too Rich, Too Thin Or Have Enough RAM

Part of my birthday largess arrived today, memory and hard drive fresh from First thing I did was add the second 512M stick, bringing my RAM total to 1024 Megabytes. This made a small performance increase in some tasks. I’m sure once I get the larger HD in there it will improve even more as I only have a little over 3% empty on the C: Drive. Hard drive swapping is going to be major surgery because I want to start from scratch with a clean install of Windows instead of just mirroring the current drive over.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 291

Free Music

The designated IT guy at work had to buy and install a DVD drive in his PC yesterday. When our main IT folks speced out the PCs they just went with CDRWs and the other day they sent him a ghost image for repairing a PC and it was on a DVD…

Inside the box with the drive was a card for 10 free music downloads from He is not a music guy, so he gave it to me today.

First you needed to go to and activate the card. After choosing a username (your email) and a password, the second page requesting information was huge, I looked to see if I actually had to do this, seeing as step two was go to and register there too. From what I could read, activating was an optional step, but reccomended for security reasons. Forget that, I wasn’t ever putting money on there or using it again after my 10 free.

Off to where you have to download some software (good thing my buddy didn’t try this with his dial-up account, there was about 20Megs worth.) After installation, you then have to create an account. Another username and password. Page two starts right off with wanting credit card info. Hold it. Once again this is a one time thing, a search of the FAQ nets the way to enter the free music card without a CC.

Once I was in I went searching for my 10 songs. Hmmm. The card is worth $9.90 (10 times 99 cents) and each album seems to cost $9.99. Finally found something that I liked that had 10 songs on it. If I bought the whole album it was $9.99, but if I bought the ten songs one at a time, $9.90.

Cecilio & Kapono – Elua

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 291