Birth of a Blog
In an effort to foil the referrer spammers who who eating my bandwidth like kudzu covering southern roadside, I pulled the plug on the Movable Type blog and fired up this WordPress site one directory over. Word Press has a couple of referrer spam countermeasures that I hope will help. For now all those who try and hit the old site will get a 404. Take that to your Google Ranking store sucka!
I saved all my old posts and everything, but I’m not sure when (or if) I’ll get around to reposting them. For now my plan is to turn the root entry of the site into a spot with links to my Miata related stuff, photos, mods, to transitions, etc. and this will be the usual drivel about my boring life. I just know that writing something down everyday has become too much of a part of my life to just stop doing it.
Hence this “new and improved” blog. It will be plain for a while until I figure out how to shape these templates to my liking.