Blessing of the Hounds

Blessing of the HoundsThe blessing of the hounds is a hunting tradition that dates back to the 8th century, but here in Aiken since only 1914. We’ve lived here for 16 years and this is the first year we have attended the ceremony held annually on Thanksgiving day. One reason we finally went was our neighbor’s daughter was receiving her “colors” from the Aiken Hounds. Another was it gave the whole family something to do for a couple of hours at midday while we waited for the turkey to cook.

It was a mile or so walk from where we could park to the Memorial Gate in Hitchcock Woods where the festivities were to take place and we couldn’t have asked for a better day. The temperature was in the low 70s and the sun was shining brightly. There was even enough color left on some of the hardwoods to really enhance the setting. I think next year Donna and I will find a spot in the woods and wait for the post blessing hunt to come charging by.

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 359

So Long Mom, We’re Going To Miss You

Donna’s mom Barbara Morrison, who has lived with us since the spring of 2000, passed away this evening. Blogging may be light for the next few days as I help my wife and her family through this difficult time.

If you feel so moved – National Kidney Foundation

Real Navy

Real Navy T
I’ve got my first design ready for the black T-shirts. A stylized battleship with the words Real Navy in white on the front. The next one will be a little harder as I’m not a real artist, but I want to get a line art drawing of a sailor in the bellbottom dress uniform, kind of like the one in a recruiting poster I’ve seen. Hmmm, wonder if I could manipulate that image…

Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 356