Saturday In The House

Quasi-winter has arrived. It is “cold” and windy outside, so we’ve decided that it would be a nice day to stay inside and have for Chili for supper (wonder what is a good wine for accompanying chili?)

Fixed the Galleries, the hard way. Deleted any semblance of the Simple PHP Gallery files and proceeded to try and get Gallery to work. Two attempts at uncompressing the archive file (seems as winzip doesn’t work well with the tarball) and two attempts at uploading the files (seems like WS_FTP doesn’t work well with the files) and I finally got to run the installation script. Reading the support forum I expected troubles, but was disappointed as it worked first time. I created a test directory and uploaded a file. Great. Now to re-upload the 100 or so photos that are already there, cut and paste their captions and descriptions from the text file to each individual image, learn a new layout and templating system, so I can customize the albums to look like the rest of the site. F@%k that. Deleted everything I uploaded and mulled my next move. Hoping, against all odds, that just re-uploading the Simple PHP Gallery files might work, I tried it. It’s a miracle, photos again. The only logical reason I could think as to why it worked is the cache files for the thumbnails was corrupt and regenerating it was the fix. Note to self, delete the cache first next time the galleries mess up.

I also fixed the computers not talking to each other thing, the easy way. I checked this setting once before and thought what I saw was good enough, but it wasn’t. I did two things the other day to get the computers talking, one was disabling the DHCP and the other was disabling the software firewalls. Figuring the IP Address thing was the cause of the no internet access, I left DHCP on and just disabled the firewalls. Viola! Note to self, check both boxes on the Network Neighborhood tab of Sygate Personal Firewall’s option screen.

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 13


They have recently updated the voice activated automated prescription refill software at our local CVS. Before it was generic female computer generated voice, but now we’ve got radio announcer guy to lead us through the button pushing process.

The best part is now when his voice says, “Please wait while I input that information.” Instead of 3 seconds of silence we now get a computer sound (here is where an audio post might actually be germane) that sounds like something that would come from Uniblab as it computed George Jetson’s severance pay.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 12