The Powerball Lottery is worth like a hundred eighty million bucks. I think I could quit my job with that kind of money.
Donna and I have our ticket, we bought a quick pick a couple weeks ago with 10 plays, so it is good until the 25th of this month. For the three draws we have been through since we bought the ticket, we have not had a single number match anywhere. Maybe tonight’s the night. If I stop posting here after tonight, check the Powerball site to see if the winning numbers were 1 39 40 42 47 17, that’ll explain it.
Once the jackpot climbs over a 120 million or so there is a guy at work that goes around and collects from a group of us so we can increase our odds slightly. It started out with about a half dozen folks playing, but the number has grown to nearly 30. After all, once you have played once, you can’t get back out, how would you feel if 25 of your co-workers walked in and told the boss to take his job and shove it while you had to stay behind because you wouldn’t cough up a measly buck? So I have about 30 more chances on those tickets for tonight.
Because of my current obscension with the TV show “Lost” I gave a brief thought to playing the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42, but decided against it after what happens to Hurley when he won over a $150 million using them.
Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 34