Throttled Already
Since rejoining Netflix on New Years’ weekend I have viewed and returned 6 discs. Every time I have mailed one back it has been received the very next day. The same day they have received a returned disc they have mailed one back to me. Four of the six have arrived in my mail box the very next day. The other 2 spanned a weekend, one of which was a 3-day holiday, which made the disc’s arrival a little late.
Movie #7 is another story, the sixth disc got back them the next day, a Wednesday, but the email informing me my next selection was shipped didn’t come until the next day, Thursday. The email informed me that I should expect my movie on or about Monday, not the expected Friday. So has Netflix started throttling me already?
In my quick research tonight on the subject, it seems that most people are experiencing this “smoothing” in relation to New Releases. That is definitely not the case with my next selection, Written on the Wind from 1956. But I also read that Netflix was aiming at keeping it’s subscribers cost to rent at around $2 a disc. The throttling is well documented, with the internet publishing of a customer service rep’s reply to a subscriber and the class action suit settlement. The $2 limit is hearsay for now, but seeing as I’m on the $10 a month plan, it appears that this slowdown for disc#7 is about right to keep me at that magic number.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 35