A 1,031 Words
Email notifications of comments is working again. I think turning them off and then back on did the trick.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 82
Email notifications of comments is working again. I think turning them off and then back on did the trick.
I was going to break down and wash the car tonight because we are in for a no-rain stretch, but decided against it. It would have been a waste. The pine pollen has really started to kick in the last couple of days. When it is this bad, you can wash the car, dry it off, and by the time you have coiled the hose up out of the way to drive the car into the garage, there is already a small dusting of yellow powder back on the car.
I just cleaned off the pollen using my “Ernest Brush.” That is a California Duster, but was nicknamed that by my wife after a former MMC member who used to bring one out whenever we took a break during Club driving events.
We went out this evening and watched our friend’s kid play Little League Baseball. It was at the perfect time, 7:30, so we had time to eat before heading over. The game was played like most 11 to 12 year-old baseball is played, sometimes it looks like the sport should and others it looks like the Keystone Cops. Mostly what made it a little painful to watch was that after a weekend in the mid-80’s, the weather returned to normal and mid-50’s with 15-20 MPH winds seemed down right cold. Turns out it was just a scrimmage game, the season doesn’t start for a couple weeks yet, so we should have been in warmer Florida or Arizona for this game.
There weren’t a few hundred things, more like about 10 and they are done. I’ve got to change the CSS for the peektures, so there is some cohesiveness to the site and I’ll be all moved in. Watch for another episode of “Flip This Blog” sometime about 6 months from now.
Also 37,000 cubic centimeters = 9.774 365 896 gallons, so I could have hardly spilled that much gas. 37¢ worth, at the cost of $2.43 a gallon, would have been about 576 cc’s.
Just went ahead and did it. I’ve got a few hundred little things to do to make it mine, but what the heck.
Sorry I haven’t been responding in a timely manner to your comments. Somewhere along the way WordPress decided to stop sending me email notification whenever a comment is made. I may try a WP upgrade to go along with the new theme and see what happens.
Went for a walk in the woods this morning. Our usual parking area was jammed full of of about 8 cars, but besides the one person leaving as we entered, we saw no one. We did see a big ol’ fox squirrel who was almost as curious about us as we were of him.
And on our way out we walked right by a place where they had just done a controlled burn. I snapped a couple photos and I’m thinking of resurrecting my little see-how-it-grows-back series that I tried a while back. We never really go to the section of the woods of the previous try, but this one is right there at our normal entrance.
Today was the MMC Tech Day and we had a whopping 2 cars get worked on. I did the swap of the slightly stripped lug stud and President Dave had his throttle body cleaned and a remote oil filter mount installed. We had one person come to do some wrenching on others cars, Clunk. His partner Thunk showed up a couple times through out the day to help or hinder as needed.
My stuffing Club newsletters under unsuspecting Miatas in parking lots paid off as someone I had hit twice popped in for a while and visited. Might turn out to be a member, might not.
On the way home I stopped in a Quick-Stop to fill up and realized I had passed through the 37,000 mile mark on the way over. My first clue was the slight smell of gas as I parked by the pumps, I didn’t pick up on it. Clue number 2 was the speedi-dri crunching under my feet as I started to fill the tank, didn’t register. Clue number three was the sound of splashing fluid on the pavement, I got it. The automatic shut off on the nozzle I was using was broken. I stopped at $25.37 and I bet at least the 37 cents worth spilled onto the ground.