So far the treatment we have received at the Carolina Cancer Institute has been great, we like the doctor, any of the nurses so far have been great, heck we even like the lady in billing, but, and we are not sure where this is rooted, communication about changes in appointments have really been shoddy. The first involved rescheduling of pre-treatment tests and the initial doctors appointment.
Friday we got another surprise. After the first chemo treatment last week we were given two appointment cards, one to come in at one week and have blood drawn and a second to come back in two weeks to see the doctor. The blood work was scheduled for 8:30. Seeing as Donna was still taking one Ativan in the morning and we have an unfamiliar car, she wanted me to drive her over. No problem, we both told our bosses that we were going to leave the plant at 8:15 and would be back in 45 minutes at the latest.
When we checked in at the desk we were told that the doctor wanted to see us today too. After the blood was drawn, we asked where was the doctor? He is not here yet, but should be in about 15 minutes would we wait. OK but not too much longer. We were seated in an exam room and we waited. We were just about to give up and leave when we heard his voice through the thin walls. OK, he’s here we’ll wait a couple more minutes. After waiting some more, all the while hearing him talking, we got up to leave. As we passed by the chemo room we could see him talking to patients. Had no one told him we were waiting? On our way out we told the nurse to reschedule us an appointment. She said could you wait, we can write you an excuse.
We didn’t have time to explain that it wasn’t that the excuse wouldn’t have been good or anything, it more the fact that we had already told folks we would be only gone a short time. Work has been wonderful about the missed time and they would have said, no problem, had we come back later than we originally mentioned, but it was more the principle of it all. When had the doctor decided that he wanted to see us? Sometime during the week? And if that was the case why weren’t we notified. Was it normal procedure to see the patient after giving blood one week into chemo? If so, 1) they need to work on their description of the appointment because we both understood it to be just a blood draw and 2) they should schedule it differently so that the doctor is in the building.
Turns out the doctor does have a legitimate reason to talk to us, Donna’s white blood count was a notch below the lower limit on Friday. The normal range is 4.1 to 10.9 and her’s was at 4.0. Her pre-chemo level was only at 5, so the drop, while not huge, is still cause for some concern. The nurse left a long message on our answering machine asking if we could come in at noontime to see the doctor or if not could we be there Monday at 3:ooPM. We of course couldn’t go in at noon because we didn’t get the message until 4:30PM when we got home. I guess the nurse didn’t get the hint that we were leaving because had to be back at work.